Arts Award Start Up Packages 2021

The Mighty Creatives are offering a limited number of support packages for Young People settings who want to deliver the Arts Award qualification for the first time, or progress their delivery to a new level.

This is open to a wide range of Young People settings: from schools, colleges and formal education settings to young people’s settings, youth organisations, cultural venues and community organisations.

What are the Arts Award Start-up Packages?

You are eligible if either:

  • You don’t currently offer the Arts Award and want to deliver Arts Award for the first time
  • You want to expand Arts Award to another level than your current offer

Apply via the SurveyMonkey form below.

Download our funding info (below) to check your eligibility.

Return it to us at by Monday 24th May 2020 at 5pm.

Start Up Packages Info for Schools, Colleges & Formal Educational Settings159.43 KB
Start Up Packages Info for Other Settings156.27 KB