Our dedicated team works closely with various youth services and teams, including Local Authorities, Virtual Schools, schools, alternative provision settings, residential homes, cultural organisations, CAMHS, and Prevent Services. We have heaps of experience (more than 13 years!) in the creative sector working with children and young people and in the community.

Creative Mentoring is our core service, providing one-to-one support for children and young people who are care-experienced, facing adversity, disadvantage, and/or challenges. Our trusted partnerships, and rigorous recruitment and training process for Creative Mentors, means we are best-placed to match Creative Mentors with young people referred to our Creative Mentoring service.

so what is creative mentoring?

It’s a tried-and-tested model of creative intervention based on a person-centred approach. We put young people at the heart of the service – and we’re continually developing the practice in direct response to needs of our beneficiaries through regular consultation with youth services and young people themselves. Our trained Creative Mentors use their experience as creative practitioners and of youth work to empower mentees to discover their sense of self, purpose, belonging, and a world of possibilities – both now and in the future. By building trusted relationships with their Creative Mentors, young people are supported in their personal, social, and emotional development, and education attainment, to transform their lives.

discover our services

creative mentoring

Our Creative Mentoring service provides one-to-one support, empowering the most unheard young people in society to discover their sense of self, belonging, and a world of opportunities.
Unless specifically stated, © The Mighty Creatives. All rights reserved.

creative futures

We support young people and organisations to adopt creative approaches, inspiring them to become leaders across education, community and business sectors.

youth voice

We campaign and advocate for youth voice. We work with young people, other charities, organisations, youth services, and employers to support best practice, youth-led approaches inspired by the views and voices of young people.