Celebrating Love Arts Award Week 2022

Join in the celebrations on social media using the hashtag #LoveArtsAward

This week we’re celebrating over 15 years of Arts Award. It’s been around for 15 years because it’s a flexible, accessible qualification that places young people’s needs and interests at its heart. Arts Award has championed creativity, nurtured talent, and offered insights into the arts world. It’s loved by us, educators, and young people – do you love it too?

Here’s why people love Arts Award…

A young person said they don’t know what they would have done without the Arts Award to focus on during the last 18 months.

Young people said they have loved having something artistic to focus on in such a dark time.

Celebrating our Top 10 Arts Award Deliverers

This Love Arts Award Week, we also wanted to shine a spotlight on our Top 10 Arts Award Deliverers…

Share your own experiences of Arts Award!

You can get involved in #LoveArtsAward week by sharing your own experiences on social media. Let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by tagging us @mightycreatives and using the hashtag #LoveArtsAward.

Apply for a £1000 Start-Up Package

If you’re interested in how Arts Award can inspire creativity at your school, college or youth setting, find out more about our £1000 Start-Up Package available now for schools and youth settings.