
Postponed - A Creative Journey; Supporting everyone's wellbeing through transition & change

  • Thursday 1st January 1970
  • Free
Book your ticket now >

A workshop for teachers and schools from across the East Midlands


The last few months have denied the huge majority of children of the opportunity to engage in an enriched childhood, and we instinctively know that the most important factor in helping them through this turbulent time, and with the reintegration to school, is supporting their wellbeing.

This 3 hour workshop will give you insights into how the last few months have typically affected children & young people; Their emotional health, social skills, self-esteem & learning capacity. We’ll explore what this means for the transition back into classroom life & what you can do at a practical & actionable level to support this process.

Despite concerns around ‘catching up’, this kind of pressure can lead to toxic stress for both children & teachers, which is the absolute antithesis of ‘learning-readiness’. Through this session, you’ll learn exactly why creativity, play & fun are the most effective ways to strengthen learning.

With these insights, you’ll be better equipped to support yourself-as well as your children-over the next few months, to cultivate a shared classroom belief in ‘we can’, and to strengthen young brains that can learn & do well, because they are well.

This workshop will be facilitated by Jo Stockdale. Jo is the founder of Well Within Reach which, in its broadest sense, is concerned with ‘person-centred development’, especially of children & young people. Her main area of interest is the very important role of social & emotional competence in the lives of children-and the adults that they will become- particularly those who are vulnerable, and/or have experienced adversity & distress.
Much of Jo’s training focuses on how children’s brains develop & grow (afterall, every action, decision, belief & behaviour starts there!) and she works with a range of agencies to help them meaningfully decode & evidence the ‘soft’ impacts they support. Jo has a background in creative practice and, through her work, she helps practitioners to understand the very important role that creativity plays in supporting young people’s ability to ‘learn, so and be well’.


Monday 28th September 2020


Registration & technical support 15:45PM. Start 16:00PM – 18:30PM Q&A, 19:00PM Finish

Additional information

An invitation will be sent out before the event via email. You will need to log into Zoom by 16:00PM at the latest. You are able to leave the meeting at any time. We ask that you let us know your support needs in advance, so we are able to prepare.

We will only be accepting two bookings per school before the 20th September. Please contact artsmark@mightycreatives.streamstudio2.co.uk if you would like additional tickets for your school, interest will be logged and allocated on a first-come first-serve basis.