mighty meetings event

Making Connections: Cultural Marketplace EOI

  • Thursday 25th November 2021 - Friday 10th December 2021
  • N/A
Apply here >

The Mighty Creatives will be running an online Cultural Market Place Event on 3rd March 2022, 1.30-3.30pm. This event is open to all Artsmark Partners and Arts Award Supporters – cultural organisations and freelance creative practitioners and for all schools across the East Midlands.

We want to help build connections between partners and schools and share with schools the rich creative practice that practitioners and cultural organisations bring to children and young peoples. The aim is to bring partners and teachers together for discussion, sharing and learning – focusing on the value of creative partnerships between schools, cultural organisations and creative practitioners.

The event will begin with a keynote case study, sharing the collaboration between a school and a creative partner, and the impact of this work together.

The two sessions that follow will be in small break out groups whereby up to 3 creative partners in each group will each give a short 5-minute presentation of their work to a group of teachers. There will be time for discussion after the presentations and opportunities for sharing contacts and making connections.

Expression of Interest – Making Connections: Cultural Marketplace

We are looking for creative partners from across the East Midlands and across arts disciplines, who work with schools, to share their work and experiences with schools. We recognise that school partnerships can range from one off engagements to more sustained partnerships, and we are interested to hear from cultural partners who can highlight when a relationship with a school was particularly successful.

Each creative partner will have the opportunity to present twice in the small groups – once to schools in their region and secondly to schools who are interested in their art forms.

Freelance practitioners who present will be offered a fee of £100.

We are looking for a diverse range of Artsmark Partners and Arts Award Supporters to present about their work from across the region and from a variety of artforms. We welcome applications from both organisations and freelancers/sole traders. Selection will be based on the criteria above and finding a broad range of partners for the event.

Although we only have space for 15 Artsmark partners/Arts Award Supporters to present at this first event – we hope to run a similar event in the Summer/Autumn of 2022 and we will contact all applicants who are not invited to take part in this initial event when these further opportunities are advertised.

If you are interested and available, here is a link to the Expression of Interest form. The document is light touch and enables creative partners to be placed in the most appropriate group. The deadline for interest is 5.00pm Friday 10th December 2021.

If you have any queries, please contact artsmark@mightycreatives.streamstudio2.co.uk


Deadline for applications is 5pm on 10th December 2021. All applicants will be advised of the outcome not later than the 17th December 2021.


1. Successful applicants will be a member of the Mighty Connections online directory – you can sign-up and find further information here

2. You must be Artsmark Partner or Arts Award Supporter

  • If you are not yet an Artsmark Partner, we have a briefing session on 10th Please find further information here
  • If you are not yet an Arts Award Supporter, you can sign-up here

3. Have actively engaged with schools/education settings over the last 3 years and can share at least one example of a successful relationship with a school/educational setting which has had a positive impact on children and young people.