Have your say: Wellbeing survey for students, teachers and parents

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Are you a teacher or parent of secondary school students? Or are you a young person aged 14-18? How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected you?

We’re part of a European group of partners in Bulgaria, Spain and Italy, looking to understand the impact of the pandemic on education and on the experiences of teachers, parents and students during this time. Working alongside these partners, we’ve helped to develop an active research programme funded by Erasmus+. This crucial research will explore the mental health and wellbeing of young people in UK secondary schools, as well as the impact on teachers and parents.

That’s why we need your help. We’re looking for teachers, parents and secondary aged students to share their experiences of a ‘Covid-19’ world. There are a number of ways you can have your say…

How to have your say

Want to take part in the online survey?

Whether you’re a student, teacher or parent, you can have your say by taking part in our online survey. All of the online surveys are anonymous, so you won’t need to provide any information that will personally identify you.

Help us with a one-to-one interview

You can also help us with some more in-depth research by taking part in our one-to-one interviews via phone or online. Please email louise@mightycreatives.streamstudio2.co.uk for more information or if you would like to take part.