join our youth board!

Join our Youth Board! We are excited to announce that we at The Mighty Creatives and the existing Youth Board are recruiting new people to join the board. If you are aged 16-25, passionate about having your voice heard and transforming the lives of children and young people through creativity and the arts, we want to hear from you.

So, who are the Mighty Creatives?

We are a team of creatives, dedicated to seeing the lives of children and young people transformed through creativity, arts and culture. We believe that every child and young person should have access to exciting and inspiring creative opportunities, whatever their background. Empowering young people to explore and express themselves through creative outlets is a key part of our mission, where the voices of young people are heard.

What is a Youth Board?

Our Youth Board is a part of us hearing the voices of young people, where the Youth Board members help to lead the work of The Mighty Creatives, while gaining new skills and experiences. As a charity, we have a Board of Trustees, who are a group of individuals that have responsibility for the management of The Mighty Creatives, like Governors in schools. Our Youth Board is the equivalent of the Board of Trustees, except Youth led. We want you to bring your personal experiences, ideas and passions to the Youth Board, so we can hear, empower and champion your voices.

Quotes from Youth Board Members…


One of my favourite things about being a member of the Youth Board is being a part of a group of like-minded individuals, sharing a sense of purpose to make positive change in our communities. – Shantelle, Youth Board Member since Sept 2021

Being part of The Mighty Creatives’ Youth Board has been such an empowering experience and has pushed me both as a creative and as a person to grow so much. – Connor, Youth Board Member since Sept 2021

Being on the Youth Board has been great collaborating with a group of like-minded people and opened so many creative doors for me. – Samantha, Youth Board Member since Sept 2021

Values we are looking for applicants to hold

  • Passionate about opportunities with and for Children and Young People.
  • Desire to make change.
  • Understanding of and passion for the work of The Mighty Creatives.
  • Care for their local community and wider community of East Midlands.
  • Willing to listen and learn from the other Youth Board Members and young creatives.
  • Ability to bring own ideas, experiences and perspectives to meetings and conversations.
  • Open-minded approach to the Youth Board and projects.
  • Value Arts and Creativity.
  • Understanding of and a personal commitment to Youth Voice.
  • Meetings happen every 2nd Wednesday of the month, a commitment to attending these meetings.

Interested in applying to join our Youth Board?

If you are interested in joining the Youth Board, please download our recruitment pack and application form below to make an expression of interest.

Deadline for applications is 9am on the 27th of July. We will be making the decisions in a meeting on the 8th of August and applicants will be made aware of whether they have been successful or not shortly after that date and invited to the next Youth Board Meeting in September.

If there are any questions regarding this advert or the expression of interest form, please contact us at

As the values we are looking for our youth board members to hold has shown, we are open to applications from anyone within the Youth Boards age range. We welcome applications from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences as we look to learn and develop alongside each other.

Youth Board – Application Form/Expression of Interest122.72 KB
Youth Board – Recruitment Pack243.45 KB