So what actually is Employ ME?

Employ ME is a programme of support for 16-25 year olds to have access to the right support and resources to prepare them for the working world – and education, employment and training. This programme is generously funded by Charities Aid Foundation across 2021-2023. 

The programme supports young people through two programme areas: 

  • Creative Mentoring: a programme that offers one-to-one support from a trained Creative Mentor, to help them explore potential pathways and next steps. 
  • Employ ME Course: an online programme offering resources, webinars, weekly hangouts and personalised one-to-one sessions with our Youth Programme Team.  

Want to find out more about Creative Mentoring and how it works? Click here to find out more.

more about the Employ ME course…

After consultation with young people, the Employ ME course explores the following key areas: 

  • Good Practice in the Workplace 
  • Support Strategies for Health and Wellbeing 
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 
  • Professional Communication and Social Media Skills 
  • Creating Your Network and Portfolio 
  • CV and Application Writing 
  • Interview Techniques 

The course is delivered through: 

  • A flexible, interactive and personalised online course on our Teachable platform, put together by The Mighty Creatives and Colab Creation, in consultation with young people.  
  • Webinars throughout the year, led and supported by industry experts and members of our Mighty Employers Network. 
  • One-to-one support from our Youth Programme Team.  
  • Ongoing personalised plans and support from the wider team and opportunities at The Mighty Creatives. 
  • Networking opportunities with our Mighty Employers Network.  

who is eligible for support?

The programme aims to support young people who meet the following criteria: 

  • Aged 16-25
  • Living in the Midlands (East and West Midlands), 
  • Is a care-experienced young person (currently a Looked After Child, Transitioning out of Care or a Care Leaver/Previously Looked After),
  • Is currently NEET, or at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). 

We recommend that young people who are most vulnerable are referred directly to our Creative Mentoring service. 

how do I refer a young person to the programme?

Each Virtual School partner has a limited number of free places.  

If you are already a Creative Mentor Partner, please submit a referral form for Creative Mentoring, and specific if the young person wishes to take part in the Employ ME course.  

If you aren’t a Creative Mentor Partner, please email the team at 

why not download our Employ ME Programme Poster below?