Leicester Heritage Action Zone – Summer Workshop!

Are you looking for something different to get involved in over the Summer Holidays? Want to develop your photography and audio skills? Want to help to make Leicester City Centre a better place? Why not join our Heritage Action Zone session? 

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Join our Youth Board!

Are you aged 16-21 and passionate about the creative industries, arts and culture? Do you want to have your voice heard and make a difference to the lives of children and young people across the East Midlands?

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Digital Development Grants

We have grants available for £4000 each to support organisations and individuals in the East Midlands.

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Have your say: Wellbeing survey for students, teachers and parents

Are you a teacher or parent of secondary school students? Or are you a young person aged 14-18? How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected you?

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The Mighty Media Masterclass

Call out for Young People aged 14-19 to take part in 2-day masterclass with The Mighty Creatives, Creative Forum and Rofl Audio.

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The Power of Creative Mentoring

Ground-breaking research into the efficacy of Creative Mentoring.

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A mighty 12 years

After a mighty 12 years at The Mighty Creatives, our Head of Development Becky Rose reflects on her very personal journey at TMC in this parting poem.

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Arts Award Start Up Packages 2021

The Mighty Creatives are offering a number of support packages for settings who want to deliver the Arts Award qualification.

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Nick Owen, CEO at The Mighty Creatives, comments on the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Nick Owen, CEO at The Mighty Creatives, comments on the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

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Guest Blog – Bourne Westfield

Rebecca is a hugely passionate primary creative Arts lead at Bourne Westfield Primary Academy, Lincolnshire.

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TMC’s Mighty Hub of Creativity – New Creative Opps For All!

Simon Hollingworth highlights some of his top entries from our Hub, our one-stop-shop of online creative resources for children and young people to use at home or in the classroom.

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Creativity Exchange: A new online community to encourage teaching for creativity

This February Arts Council England (ACE) have launched Creativity Exchange, a new online community to encourage teaching for creativity across the curriculum.

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Guest blog: Artist Helen writes an update on all things Splash!

Our Splash! artist, Helen, talks about her experience playing the role of Flo and what she’s working on now.

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National Cultural Organisations and Bridges – Executive Report

In early 2020 the ten Arts Council England Bridges commissioned research into how we could work more effectively with national organisations for the benefit of children across England.

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Be Mighty Be Creative Awards 2020 – the finalists!

Take a look at all of our amazing finalists across the 11 categories of this year’s Be Mighty Be Creative Awards. 

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3 top tips for ‘at home’ sensory play ideas for young children and children with additional needs

Egg Box Theatre shares their 3 top tips for sensory play ideas for young children and children with additional needs that  you can do at home.

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‘Return to School’ Arts Award Support fund

The ‘Return to School’ Arts Award Support Fund provides grants of up to £1000 to schools and education settings.

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The Arts is Good for the Bottom Line!

Griffydam Primary School, Leicestershire gives a first-hand account of its Artsmark journey.

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The ‘How Are We?’ Zine created by Sophiya & supported by the Youth Cultural Life Fund

YCLF recipient Sophiya talks about her experience with launching a zine in lockdown.

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Youth Cultural Life Fund 2020

Are you a creative and motivated young person? Do you want to use your creative skills to make a positive change?

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Apply for a bursary of up to £1,000 for your school’s network!

The Mighty Creatives invite schools and arts organisations to apply for a grant of up to £1000 to support networking and collaborative working for schools in your area.

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The Mighty Creatives – A Year in the Life of An Apprentice

Our Finance Apprentice Charlotte reflects on a year working with us at The Mighty Creatives.

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Creative Mentoring: A perspective from Claire Parker

Claire Parker’s guest blog talks about the impact TMC’s creative mentors have on the lives of young people.

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Creative Mentoring – A Local Authority perspective by Kim Johnson

Derbyshire Virtual School’s Kim Johnson talks about creative mentoring.

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Sir Ken Robinson: when Herbert meets Ken, what an afterlife that will be.

Our CEO, Dr Nick Owen pays tribute to the life of Sir Ken Robinson.

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Guest blog: Jo Stockdale of Well Within Reach discusses child wellbeing and the return to learning

Jo Stockdale of Well Within Reach discusses child wellbeing and the return to learning.

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Delivering Bronze Arts Award as part of a virtual Work Experience programme

Vikki Jones, from UK New Artists, discusses the digital Bronze Arts Award programme they have been running through their TMC start-up package and her experience of ‘digital delivery’.

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